Phishing LLMs: Hacking email summarizers
Phishing LLMs is a thing, and I’m here to mess with email summarizers specifically. Call it AI red teaming, adversarial ML, or social engineering. I don’t care. I Jumped in the LLMail-inject CTF h...
Phishing LLMs is a thing, and I’m here to mess with email summarizers specifically. Call it AI red teaming, adversarial ML, or social engineering. I don’t care. I Jumped in the LLMail-inject CTF h...
Is Cybersecurity easy ? No! Is it hard? Not necessarily. It’s up to you to decide. Your approach and way of learning will determine whether cybersecurity feels easy or hard for you. Cybersecurity ...
Introduction I was inspired by @Frichette_n research about Cloudtrail bypasses and I didn’t find any material or talks discussing how we can attack Cloudtrail. I presented this research @BsidesAB...
TL:DR Hello Folks, I will share my writeup for the Scada Challenge. I hope you enjoy and benefit from the blog post. WatchTower Challenge Description Our infrastructure monitoring system detec...
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Definition : The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a directory service protocol that runs on a layer above the TCP/IP stack. It provides a mechanism used to connect to, search, and m...
Introduction An active directory allows network administrators to manage domains, users, and objects in a respective network. Now, as the network grows, the AD provides a way to organize large nu...
Summary : It’s Banking Application, you can receivce and transfer money with your account, to be able to get ViP access you should have 1.000.000$. Methodology : First thing came into my mind th...
Faculty Scanning : Starting Nmap 7.91 ( ) at 2022-07-02 20:40 GMT Nmap scan report for faculty.htb ( Host is up (0.18s latency). Not shown: 65532 closed ports PORT...
Methodology First of all you need to understand that CTF not always like real life senarios. You need to have a methodology only for CTFs. Begain with viewing the page source to see all the endp...