Hackthebox Tracback walkthrough
ِWe will use NMAP for enumeration phase, So let`s GO !.
ِSo NMAP found that port 22 and port 80 are open. Let`s Check port 80.
ِOuch! look like someone was here before us. ِLet`s view the source code.
ِHe left a backdoor for us. Now search for Xh4h web shell
Now let`s clone it and try them.
So it`s smevk.php webshell. let`s open the shell and see what is in it.
We found the password. let`s login.
We are logged as WebAdmin. let`s discover what we can do.
So i found that i can log in as webadmin by SSH. let`s upload our public key.
Execute this to use your public key. echo “your-publickey” >> authorized_keys in Execute option in /home/webadmin/.ssh/ directory
Let`s log in now !.
Privilege Escalation
We need to see what i can do without sudo password. We can switch to sysadmin
User hash
Let`s run Pspy to see runing proccess.
Gotcha !.
00-header displays when we log by ssh as webadmin so we need to make our reverse shell. I used Pentestmonkey cheatsheet
Start you nc and log as webadmin and you will get root access.
Thanks for Reading 🙏
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